G25 – Humidifiers

In the wintertime when cold air outside is heated up, the humidity inside could end up below 10%. Human beings will normally prefer humidity between 30-60%. Maintaining a stable humidity requires a controlled HVAC system, humidifying the air in wintertime and cool or dehumidify the air in summertime.

Humidifiers could be used to increase the humidity in the air inside accommodation or other special areas. Humidifiers can be installed in the HVAC Systems to minimize generation of static electricity and to prevent air becoming dry in the accommodation or other special areas. When humidifying is required, Aeron recommend adding clean steam. Humidifying systems can be based on a central steam supply system for the Air Handling Units or local steam generation systems for rooms.

Please note that that the disadvantages of with too humid air could be larger than too dry air, special if the humidity will condensate at cold surfaces and come into building insulation. Iso standard 7547 for ventilation in accommodations for ships strongly recommend that the upper level of relative humidity is limited to 35% RH. Be aware that since humans lack sensory organs that register moisture, it will act indirectly on us, and dust in the air could led us think that the air is too dry.

In this chapter you will find more information of our standard steam humidifiers for marine and offshore. These humidifiers is special made for marine and offshore, mostly in stainless steel and special made to avoid power leakage. They also have simple programming to adapt to different water qualities. The right level of humidity is important for a good working and indoor environment.

Product Catalogues

Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers